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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Don't Get it! Hows Jews can hate Indians like us (the Unreal Real Ones, Ind'ns)?

I Don't Get it!  Hows Jews can hate Indians
like us (the Unreal Real Ones,  Ind'ns)?
Because I know I'm Idealistic
and in that way a Most flawed simpleton
of Mystic Humanism, a love of Anne Frank.
So I say to Myself I who am not Jewish
but part white and which white did Produce
How does a Jew become Indifferent?
Quakers like Us from Ohio...Hello!
I know my Grandfather was AntiSemitic
and yet People he Loved to the Full
Limit. It was Hushed About Then
that Jews only cared for Money
as it is Hushed that Indians Aren't
Human. And so, Cockroaches what are we
Doing? Being Mistaken as Vanished.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

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