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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Senators who stifle dreams of great love

Senators who stifle dreams of great love

have as much knowledge as they have of good

little they ponder the mysteries of hope

for everything they have is afforded

from power they made into minions

between faith and despair they choose all wrong

why else do they replace peace with war

if not to wring hands irresponsible?

Dusted with diamonds they bargain galore

with what is most treasured by the white doves

the people who govern themselves and more

observing the miseries of their gov

that it cannot foresee the time and hour

when we are all free from their terror.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Straight Back 4 Compton

--More punks I smoke, yo, my rep gets bigger, NWA

Back to Compton without stopping at Go

speeding past a millennium or two

vanishing with all concentric wisdom

peers from vermillion vellum right at You

Whatever the malice, despair or wrong

You will always be Virginal and young

never will your offpsring go without fun

for mirth and love are congruent compounds

Peace, joy, and laughter all of your Life

let no one bring harm with their Mischief

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Honeybee

--daring symmetry (Blake)

The honey of the bee is sweet
and gathered from crevice's deep
what it takes it refills replete
its beauty and its buzzing sweep
the avenues of misery
chaos and harmony appeal
beginning and ending are equal
upon its with wings of ecstasy
it finds it requires nothing
more than its own purpose to be
small what it needs for its plenty

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Parallel Petals of Time and of Sound

--(Chicory and Daises Released, WCW)

Art is a Verb that becomes a Poem

The stem, the petal crown, and the center

become Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,

a Timepiece, of Symmetry, and a Form

Each of its leaves is a journey onward

against its own death beginning in Verse

A birth is its answer, form, and Purpose,

toward Beauty toward consciousness

Mercy, equality, and Equipose

Whereas the Sea is Circled peacefully...

the color, the movement, and the shape

of it seems hardly a flower at all

but the restlessness of making a sound

and a parallel, a mirror profound.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pomona is a Woman and City

(shaken by your beauty, shaken by your beauty: Paterson, WCW)

Pomona is a Woman and City

   She stands up in a library glass case

the fruit she extends on her palm glistens

while across the avenue a long day

casts no shadow on protected children

though it may burn, squelch, and singe with anger

the boys and the girls no longer wonder

“who will keep us safe from government?”

For she is tall made of marble carved clear

heroic, able, she banishes evil

the hems of her skirt mercy embroidered

no furrow appears in her memory

for peace, beauty, prosperity, and wealth

will bless all the people what they have tilled

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love Conquers All

 Love has never been neutral or passive

Its rages are known as the most violent

Just look at Helen captured and enslaved

While the blood of the bodies drains and fats

for the gods are torched to burn up in flames

The juiciest, the tastiest, the best,

"If you fight my enemy I'll curse yours,"

and While it is mulled on Mt. Olympus 

remains a solution absent on earth

Who says we're immortals, and they're divine?

Observing the clouds and the messaging

states that Death is a Single occurrence

While life remains infinite in one Breath

Forever never looked better, Again.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Masters Hate

I spontaneously performed a poem
in a coffee shop yesterday it's true
It began as a bit of angry thought:
How did I just become an alien?
What language was shared that I never saw?
Is it my skin color is it my lips?
Yes they are larger than typical and?
A lot of movie stars pay for what I have:
Plump as an impregnated persimmon
As it ripens on the tree it reddens
The hatred lifts up it turns to the Sky
It asks just forgive me I'm so sorry
Of course I must follow the Golden Rule
To do unto you as you have to me
But this is where you and I change our Course
You perceive you are Supreme: I'm Master.

 This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Capital Vs. Love

 41 Minute Ago Near Pomona
  1. Today's Theme : Capital Vs. Love
    the Ends of Western Civilization
    due to its complete lack of fortitude
    To ♥ and to ♥ as per <'s Fashion
    Now Regeneration is Virtuous
    A Zero that's not worth its Traditions
    By the creed of All Anarchical Selves
    Uncounted, Ungovernable, and Freed.
    (Yesterday I quarreled on FB notes.
    The Blow outs were Easy, untechnical
    In the annoyance of minor triumphs
    I come to you, Verse, you double power.
    Your bards and their afterwards flood my Mind
    I hear the Cacophony of each Voice
    Soon all have come thundering to my Pads
    The ten of my fingers, dozens of Keys
    Yet my Cup runneth over by Eons
    Each line brings 24 metaphors, UG
    --(I no longer pay attention to them
    and Similes are Baneful Bling except
    if they speak and personify also
    They don't want to be 1-dimensional,
    poet, don't look at me with wide open mouths.
    Take up your pen, your crayola, your gun
    Without blood bring forward your greatest Force
    Revere those who have battled for Warlords
    Imagine what Horrors they have to live
    They do what they do so that we are Free
    Yet these schools, cops, cobardes, and goon Squads
    Create tyranny and injustice Breed.
    Who is not a Warrior has not Lived
    (Idle no More, Poets Indigenous)
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fire to Pink Flames for Rocky in February

--a Pink Flower for Adrien's Beloved Brother<3

Sparkle and Quest, you a're Evanescent

an inappropriate apostrophe

 Beauty is dangerous is Treacherous

Y Oh Y does it have to be this way?

nt easier to be human

I ask myself about it -- I say NO

for it is terribly laborious.

and no Little misery to beHold

Indeed it is a crime to be Alive

 and Bitter are the divisions of Time

  they never add up no they never will

Except in the chance love that makes Fire

Takes a Large and a Massive Red Stain OUT

that's replaced with an Ounce of Innocense

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Los dictadores no Nacen Aun

Soy hembra de conciencia y de Paz

me hago la Amante de Justicia

La luz de un Dia ver a Mi Madre

Que ya no tenga que ser Esclava

Me arrulla como a mi me gusta

porque ella quien es mi Reina y FLor

Me saluda por el viento de mi Alma

es una Ventana al Ilustre

Una aguila empieze su Nido

Donde dara a la vida la Azar

Hazme Nueva olvidame Horror

Que no habra Guerra en la Tierra

Que los dictadores no Nacen Aun

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ode to Google: The Whole World's A Library

Ode to Google my only Search Engine

Computing what it does and all for me

While It makes the whole world a library

I think of my Future and my Being

I remember time before the Internet

Of How it was squandered on Useless Stuff

Uninformed arrogant and insipid

was no way to Function not in the least

I enter a letter, number, image

All my impatience gets hyperactive

I ask and it listens then answers gives

My oracle of knowledge, my great gage

I googled this: “what happens when love ends?”

It is infinite as you responded <3
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Oda A Hugo Chavez Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oda a Hugo Chavez

 No son ni elegantes y no son sangrientos:

los versos que canto me animan

un sincero deseo del comun

el misterio que entres dos hace Un.

El amor a mi misma llega a Usted.

Se le acerca a banar la cara

con los deseos de mi Caracas

saname mi vida contoy la Suya

Sera que de un dia a otro

un milagro del mas grande Amor

nos cure la misma fiebre: Ardor

entre la nobleza y el corazon

Yo lo mando por un Vientecito

que me lo Sopla llegar a Hugo.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Death of a Hacker Age 26

Bring me my keyboard

Bring me my Mouse

While I write a song

of the Suicides of youths

Back back to Beauty

Back back to Love

It’s not just a Rhythm

But a verse

 There is no answer

There is no answer

that darkness won’t hide

Believe me, I knew

Long before I died

Being a tool is no power

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.