My Blog List

Saturday, November 27, 2010

for the poor children in our world exploited in sexual mercantilism--

ExCuse me while I derail some trains
of Thought since I'm here.  Ridiculous
sportsmen tie your shoes its Round two. Its ON.
(Not off,  you two) Here's the situation
some 120 feet over
there, there's a Person
shouting, "I am a Nation of One--Me!"
And as we approached this voice, we were apt
to Ascertain the following words of note:
As for those residing within we con
vey citizenship to the Imigree Child
sold into Prostitution for Dollars
in poor Nations. Hot Spot Vacationing
in Out-of-the-Way-Paradises.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

ThanksDreaming said the Cup to the Saucer DreamAct 2010

The cup sits high and round on the Saucer.
It contains hot liquids, Xocolatl,
Earl Grey, champurrado. While the plato
sits beneath it, balancing the Water.
The saucer is so Patient, hardly notes
the weight upon it, for it understands
its honor. To steady the cup and hand,
and display around its edges, the rote
beauty of its servitude, with head bowed
down and out of view, there is a master
plan at work. "I do my time and after
all the cups have been upheld, I move toward
freedom." And so the Honest Saucer lived
until the Cup was overfilled.  Fluid
from Dream Act potion overflowed the Cup.
"What do I do?" said the Cup to its match
at which time the platillo said, "just watch
me. I know what's up." Cup and Saucer struck
a deal, "hey, let's run away together.
This Master-Slave relationship is dull
and demeaning." So the Saucer and Cup
walk up to the Senate and say, "Boycott!
for the Dream Act, Yo! Cups and platillos!"
Enough is Enough is Enough is Enough
Forever after, all history remembered
how the Cups and Saucers left the table.
Thanksdreaming 2010 Dream Act!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Salvatruchas Pleberos Laberintas Fregonas Preguntense Bien

We painted the Skies,    Why?
      did we do that guey? Por quois
nous sommes Insipidos, patois soy
Idioma....Que sera sera Profes,
Idolos, Guzanos, y Chicanos,
Soy la Voz Pachuca terreno Pachuco
 Viboritas acuerdense bien quien soy Yo,
     Ay conciencia que presumida Eres,
         Conocemos quienes son los Rajados
        no somos los sin corazon y sin soul
            sin Sonetos bitches. Ya estufas no te
               hagas, si te acuerdas.  Soy tu  Memoria
que te watches Homie Que se Livianen y que
presten Oido que podra haber Una  Chansa de Inocencia,
Juventud de Oro, Esperanza ha donde te has ido?
Puta Vida, ya contestame, de que Manera te podras Seducir?
Violada sin Papeles y Abusada por todos Lados Libertad Callada.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dream Act in Heroic Metrical Dream-A-Lines

Vivi dentro del monstro y conozco sus entranas
I dreamt of wild and oceanic vistas, swam
the beach of Santa Monica and my memory
of your cliffs formed a pedestal for those young dreams.
The seaward facade of my spiritual joy,
sentinel guardian of the imagination,
steward of infinite meaning. I'm your Sister
dear Sappho if but through my exaggeration,
Joan d'Arc, Lucha Reyes, Juana Inez,
and Federico hear me. If not for Sustained
Metaphor I would conceal these Obscure Ruses.
Hello olleH La Conciencia es Urgir
que nos Unamos al Sueno Dream Act.
Mi Sueno se cumplio. Ahora el de Ellos.

The Cockroach Dreams On

Here we go:  Oscar Zeta Acosta
come dance with me. No segregated schools!
Counselors for College-educated
hopes and dreams! I'm not good enough or worth
the trouble. Yeah, I've got documents but
my chulo don't. Where does that leave us, huh?
La Cucaracha La Cucaracha
ya no puedo caminar. Las Vegas
or Nowhere, take me there. Cat, Ease this Up,
wouldya? My briefs are prepared triple strength.
Don't cut him again, Forensic, just stop!
one autopsy's enough.  I won't kill him
more than once y Que Viva Oscar Grant!
Relief and Education for the Young.

Fox Vayase a la Fregada: Los ideas Valen mas que tu Figura

A la fregada vayase FoxNews.
acabo no te extranaramos,
mitoteros sin verguenza cogen
otro tema y jamas el del xochitl-
sueno el Acta de la clemencia,
que viva el Dream Act y sus fieles
senadores y representantes.
El triunfo llegara. Ay quedense
monstruous les chequeamos sus papeles
de mentira, abuso, las garras
sucias las sacamos a la luz. Que brilla
el sol de Nuestros Jovenes que teje
nuestra madre Tierra tela-palabra
que al tren del odio, descarrillara.

Pox on Fox for the Poison in the Ear:Fox News es Misinformation Abuse.

Pox on Fox for the Poison in the Ear.
Fox News es Misinformation Abuse.
And all of their necios, correspondents
and prophets of Fear, bigotry, and war.
Laying the heart of America front
and center, parasitic bacteria
oozing from the spores of inDecency.
C'est Stupide Fox, insipido monstruo.
Alright where do we go for medicine?
Pox on Fox, Silent Roar Distortional,
ever may your Electrical sources
falter and Briars as Thick as the Rose's
thorns appear on the Tongue of Claudius,
that his Poison no longer confound us.

Babysteps and Presidents

Oh Sweet Liberty, you’ve been on Eastside
for a while now. I’d say you’ve run dry
totally now. Looks like you’re cruising
downhill on Empty now. Wow, pull over.
Take a chill pill before you go Crazy.
Let Poetry be free wonderingly
quiescent.  WTF? I love Shakespeare
and here is More: He’s an Illegal
Immigrant working next door, Othello,
the President, Fine Tragic Mulatto.
WTF?? How Insulting and Vulgar.
One question to Y’all: Answer it True:
in the Western Hemisphere or New World,
European America, New Spain,
New England colonies, Matanzas, Haiti.
How many Blacks, Indians, women have
held the Executive Office compared
to the Babystepping U.S. of A?

Monday, November 22, 2010

I remember my first day in Compton during a Budgetary Meltdown

I remember my first day in Compton
during a Budgetary Meltdown,
was 24 on an emergency
credential. At the same time my sister
also began working. Teachers without
even one day of training cast into
a cauldron of corruption of some kind
of those crimes Politics deals to the field
of Education. (Yeah, thanks a lot, you
should have to have a license to practice
Public Policy)--Education is
in its own Category. Voice of Memory,
public resources more valuable far
than Oil. APoco! It's a Right.

Tell Them You Don't Know Who Those People Are

I am eight. Us kids sit
according to age...the older ones
get the windows.  I am in the middle.

My eyes have swallowed whole
a picture of what Mama’s doing
all dressed up for some fun

Though this is not that cuz we're at la linea.
I remember what I'm supposed to do.
Even though we don’t believe it,

we all say “American.” Except for Mama.
She has to explain that she's not.
She gets her picture out to prove it.

Its on a shiny plastic card she keeps
it hidden so I rarely see it. I remember
another thing I need to remember cuz

I might never see it again. I look at it.
She hates it when they take her picture.
She says she’s dark, short, and ugly.

I think it’s because she’s
beautiful, wise, and dominant
that she was turned into a document.

It is green to say she’s different,
not deserving of white, the color of
barbies and brides. She’s driving us from Juarez

and back to California. The trick
is that all the people we love have to
stay here and we have to leave them

until they come see us only when its dark night
they rush in, clean up, and leave before the sun
comes up. They say, “We’ve just come to say goodbye.”

And Mama says, "Quick take your lunch...
I'm not kicking you out but you better get
going." NO, I think but don't say it.

I run fast and go hide my face so nobody knows
in a towel that hangs in the bathroom.
It's still wet from my tio’s shower.

We crossed okay but then got pulled over by
one of those green trucks. Nobody told me this
would happen which was a good idea

cuz I was so happy when I noticed my tio
--what was he doing out on the highway?
So happy he’s coming too and he got across

---But, no, oh! Mama's scared now
she looks back at us and says, “if they ask tell
them you don’t know who those people are”

"but there's my tio," I wanna say and Mama looks
into my eyes to say shut it up. And when the man 
wearing green comes over to talk to her

Mama says she doesn't know nothing. He don't 
believe her so he turns asks David my brother.
“Who’s that man? Do you know him?

Is he traveling with you?" David’s mad
but he don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone.
I look out at my tio and I look in at Mama. Then I hear

my brother speak, “Why are you asking?” And he 
remembers, like a good boy what he needs to say,
"I don't know who those people are."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Livianense Putos Humanos. Gentle Gente Chidos Brothers.

 Nee 1968, I awoke with a view of a Screen.
I remember.  Yo me acuerdo.  We move around
a lot it Seems, so I keep track of Scenes.
Pero que es esto? A war on TV.
Who are they Killing and why all the
small Children? We Children, what do we do
to incur this Intrusion on others? My Life
is a Problem, soy Cholo, Tresero,
Pachuqueno, Wilson, Edgardo,
Miguel Angel, Ronan del inDiscrito InFiel.
Oigan desesperados Carteros cantineros
cabrones, Seducores senores.  Habran
unos gueyes que deben de aumentarse
el Paxil. Livianense Putos Humanos.

AmeoPoemA: JoseAlfredoJimenez

Soy lA Bohemia Melancolia,
Querio ver a que sabe tu olvido.
Je m'apelle Madame Poesia, soy
la Esferica Mitotera. Sa va?
Escandulo, que en Serio te enciendes.
Pobrecita Vanidad que largas tus
pestanas pareces ser TigreMariposa
amarilla y negra de doble cola;
Refrescante Contraste ya es hora.
Tomate esta botella conmigo
Anden, run a cable from San Jose
to Tucson Arizona, unense
plebepoetas al ameopoema.

Juarez y Villa Senores Memoriosos en CantaPalabra, C/S

Back at you, My Silver-lined Allusions,
WTF? I’m serious.  I’m a PhD
and  Minor Scholar, there’s no confusion
here on my Credentials. I’m Calafia,
a LornaDeeCervantera, Come back
to the Line, it's the Gold that the Godheads
gave us miniscule Yankees y Gueros,
What-are-Yous, fascistas, Torquemada
Inquisition, book burnings, censure,
the White Supremacy is ehhh Old News.
You’ve overstayed your Welcome, Ulises 
Llego, ya llego, ya llego. Seres 
Ancianos de Arte y Sabiduria
Guienos somos Analfabetos,
Imbeciles, Idiotas, (Dictaduras
Sin Alma y sin Verguenza) Y Que Viva
el Presidente Benito Juarez,
Viva General Francisco Villa
Es Nuestro derecho ser Senores
Memoriosos en CantaPalabra, C/S 

Poetic Technology

I found a piece of myself, picked it up,
petal from a Spanish Cubist rose
it was.  The smudge of a smile I wore
once. Hola amiga, no te preocupas,
yo soy tu ser, eres mi Idea,
anda vistete vamos para afuera.
Hello, Edie, where you been, whaddup? OH!
I see, you were fleeing your misery.
Now you’re back, thank goodness, come on. Attach
yourself anew to me, te extrano! Your
smile I adore, fix it to me. Tears
don’t flow.  It’s not the time. Reversaphor.
I don’t understand the hostility
you show toward Metaphor. Hi Simile!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

La Salvadorena y Stevie Wonder

For once I can touch what my heart used to
dream of, sang el Monsieur.-- Wonder, I do
remember Pazita who worked for you.
She was from El Salvador, and I was
lookin out for the Friedman kids 14th
floor. "De donde eres?" Naci en El
Paso y Usted Senora Paz? "Yo
nunca volvere mas a mi Tierra.
Nos asesinaran llegando al
aeropuerto."  WTF? Really? Who?
Why? "Just Because." Well you better stay here
then.  Don't ever go back. "Trabajo
yo son Stevie Wonder. Linda persona,
Hermoso senor, corazon de oro."

Villa Le Ponia los Zapatos al Revez

pa que no lo agararan le
ponia los zapatos al reves
a su caballo. El Siete leguas
se llamaba. el no era malo lo
hicieron malo con lo que hacian.
y al no le gustaban los padrecitos
porque embarazaban a las monjas
y cuando nacian los bebes los
padres los mandaban a matar y
a esconderlos en las paredes de
la iglesia. en las haciendas hacian
lo que querian con las mujeres.
pobrecitas eran. Fue una de
sus hermanas la que la violaron.

Love Letters: Rated Mature Audiencias

Happy are the words fixated Oral
traditions making love in language's
dominion. Assonance I want for you
continuous cunninglingus fruitful
lenguazo. Anden no sean Atorados.
We making it Real in Pixels nos
amamos sin limite, amorosas
silabas. Multipliquemonoslas
mariposas, sirenas, y Vanas.
Agitese I love you petals.
Happier yet are those words the tongue speaks
to itself anatoauerotica
puro esencia Bilabiotecaria
mi Amor soy la Fantasia palabra.

LaobraBelleza de las Hermanas que Trabajan con Abuso

Singnify it, Turn her around, Dama
de Tristeza ve para el otro lado,
hay muchachas que son Vanidosas,
son las Poetas, Truchas, Cantantantes,
Bailarinas, cocineras, criadas.
LaoBraBelleza Mujer Dona,
trabajadora maestra Hermana
Lo Siento Lo Siento que ta Haya
pasado pero ya olvidalo
no te Acuerdes no hay proposito la
honramos con Nuestra presencia ser
honesta estas con familia. Somos
madres de todos modos ay esta el juez,
ya veran los que no traen conciencia.


When Reality no longer made Sense,
there was a Movement to Attune the Word
through Dreamification. The first language
of the Mind is its own versification Urdu.
One world is not too Big to Signify
our Beyondnessess and our Environmend
in the Multiple Beautitudes. Phenom
enological languages and arts
of the FuturoPasado Infin
Imaginacion.  Hello Love of Truth
I'm Philosophy, may I request with
you a Dance? The Waltzing approaches
Fantastic ReinaLuz del SuenoAm
eriamado en Vivo c/s

Hey Kindergarteners of Poeconomical Justicia

Now I'm going to write a Poem, hombrepoetico,
ay No se, parce que? Poetical
Treason's no Minor Matter of Course, Adieux,
Caesura, Hypellage, so get the Fuck
working on a new Measure, Dejame
en paz. As if the Heavens above no
Witness had. I've had to become so Cold
no Atmospherical warmth Anymore.
I'm running Adrenalinational,
my FInal Memories have Faded dried Up
as the Seasons. I'll survive survive I'll
but the People cannot sustain Death
of the Imagination, Simple
Kindergarten Lesson, Humanity!

Sonneteering Sucks! Oh Yeah? Goen try Some of It

Welcome to the Wordshop, Bienvenidos,
all are invited; its Shakespearean.
Five hundred years old ain't that, um, tired?
Why bother with counting words in a line?
How boring and stupid. What's up with that?
Okay, alright, all of you Wordiers,
you've got plenty to say to your Teacher.
You're disrupting the class. Take a break get
back in 10 minutes everyone. Now back
to what I was saying to spur all your
resistances. Sonnets, yes, they are so
antiquated. But, there's the reason
we might have some Pentameter 'round here.
Practice your steps before you audition.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Poetic Economy: High Debt Ratio

WiriWiri harmonia Mia
de me Lengua soy el Origen mio
You seem to me so Unreally Real.
I take the Shape of you by Reversal
of Feeling. I'm Ready. Instill me Rest-
lessness Sensuality Synthesize
Whole Energy word Absolute value
Allusions Individuality
Hello olleH  Somos somoS Verso
no hay Otra. WeeW are the Poor Poets.
We know our Status. You let us Free Be.
Directors, Superintendents, CE
O's porrecitos sin Almas Ambiciosos.
hay Mucho Mas where that came From. HiLo!

Muse~esuM DID: My Muse a Cynical Ho

My muse won't set me free. She exploits me.
She walks behind me with an Ironic
Smile. "Just Try Me, " she says, "you're my Bitch.
I tell you what to do not the other
way around, She-Man." Was that Really
Necessary? "Write this down I mean Now!"
Yes, Ms. what would you like? Here's the Menu.
Social Awkwardness why did you Show uP?
I thought we had ahem an Understanding.
Things have Changed. The relationship has grown.
You're serious about this aren't you?
Yes, I am. Beyond the mountain Ridge....yes?
there shone the Imagination, a Whore
for Words, Obsessive Syllabics, Didi?

Out on Verse Vacation Sick Leave: (It's Protected)

It's on.  Look, I can't stop it Either. Just
when I think I'm done, Rhyme comes running over.
"Ohho No, give me 20!" And so, the task-
master of Flowetry won't Stop, Leave me
Be even when I'm sleeping. I have no
Remdey. No work, no TV, nothing
to Free me from the Keyboard, Ay de mi!
So here comes a Message from BeyondSee:
If the World was made for Warring, what's left
for me? Where can Poetry find a Home?
(There's some Robooting Required soon
for the HomoSappy Ones, UrGent Case)
STAT TATS Alive on Arrival. My yM
a Scribe on VerseVacation. Bye byE

Teachers, Profs, Principals for the Dream Act

Intellectuals get the message written
on the E-mails errr Walls in large Bold
print letters? You miss the tree for Forests.
Senores, a la Barra que hay que
Platicar, tomarnos unas Copas
Retoricas...No queda Mas...Menos
la vanidad grotesca sin lavar
las Manos. WTF? I see you-you
Teachers, you seem to be Reticently
withstanding your Irrelevant Woesdom.
When did the Social Workers become all of us?
Wake Up Then! Have a dose of Surreality.
The teacher, scholar, principal you've been
Set-Up? Let's goen unite as a DreamTeam.

Beauty Must be Free: Destiny is Ever Shining

Freedom I can Represent you, (Ok,
Suffering...You too...since Insist you do.)
But move to the back. Beauty come to the
Front. Head of the Line, Compassion, Mercy.
Humanity--Pick up your Crown, Here you
go, Equanimity. Now Destiny,
get Ready, Study Hard, Honor your Mom
and her Mother too, You are the youngest
Woman beComing Someone. Oh, yes
you always were Your Own, but now
You've outGrown your Childhood. Wow,
precious Blooming Youth Radiant SweetGirl,
never let your Beauty be used Against
you. Fear Not your Beauty Growing Strong.

I Shouldn't Said I was a BlogDJ or a Note on A Good Title that got Sick on the Way

Sometimes you select a title and then you write the damn thing
and though you had a fresh rhyme in mind, an old bad feeling
arose and like a selfish being, it forces itself onto the sonnet.
You really hadn't planned to confess you're a bit off balance.
Not at all. You thought you were superfly Pentamistress of Flow.
Goddammnit Okay, have your Fit.  Go ahead. Exude it Now
let's move over to the next Leaning Tower.  Alright, Piza
what can you say?  You're Manic Depressive. Ah, just go Away.
Leave the FineTuned harmonies and Stability Rhythms and take
your Ill Ass Life to find Water in some Other place.  Alright,
thanks a Lot. I'm Censored Again? Yes, now that's just Delightful.
Neurotypicality I thought that Stereotyping was Done back in the 80's.
We got so many Chances to Honor the Past. Why mistake it Ladies?
Rhyme, Rhythm, Romance, Rigor Mortis, RicaChuela, Rhinitis.

DJ of the Sonnetblog Here We Go

Again as in Otra Vez, pick it uP!
Wiri Wiri harmonia, escuse
me. Voila! That's an Awful painful bumP,
APV Auto Poetry Virus,
I'm suffering from Repetitive harms
Injury Contusions PTSD.
You see it spreads fast and crashed da System.
I was more or less at risk for Disease
of this Condition. So I'm on the mend.
WTF? I don't see what's your Problem
with my Illness? Its not Sufficient
that I'm battling? (My Sonnetblog's at War
with Mad and Indifferent hostility.)
I like my Verse Free and not Quarantined.

In Xochitl of the PoetriBal Hermanallianzabecederia: pa FXA UCD

Francisco Equis Alarcon, Mano, Pana,
ya llego del Salvador, yo se, Maestro,
Que me corrije y me Honra mejorarme.
So, Whaddup Francisco? How are you?
How's it como te va?  Y You Strike me
As Legitimo poeta, je 
n’sais qua, Principe Escritor jefe
de Nuestra en Cuicatlan, Francisco!
How boldly you are who is what his Fame 
has Imparted. Sincero Creador
de PalaFlorabra…Hermano Joven
Senor. It’s been Chill knowing you in spirit,
if only by Internet and yet so
real is our Wordsky on a Full moon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Polyphemous in his One-Eyed Cave

There were other times like these, when Matter
had to be condensed but Dear and Gentle
Gente, it all Required Leaps of Faith,
Intelligence, no Mind games anymore.
For example, take pity on Good Bad.
His moral crimes won’t be outlived or paid.
Entonces, he is a Pariah what
More can he expect? A sinner with no
Chance in Hell. Consider that and pity
take on Monstrous Inhumanity, shut-
tered in the Cave of Polyphemous, One-
Eyed eternal Darkness. Take Pity Take
Pity. Heroes and Heroines will come
and Place Horrific Mutiny in Chains.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soplo Palabra Globo Lleno para ManuelozanO

Esquetzopoetico Hermano
Manuel, oyes hasta donde llega
tu Obra Poetica? Hmmmm mmmm huh.
Tocayo del Paso del Norteno
humano Pachuco mi Origen.
Traes escondido el poema clavado,
y cada vez le cortas mas carne.
Tenle lastima un segundito,
si brother poeta? Ten un poco
de paciencia con los ojos mios
que buscan ser boca en tu lirica
nutritiva. Hay que llenarme un
poquito menos estoy en Califas
y me engordo de pura palabra.

I'm just sitting here Spinning Rhymes. Join Me.

I'm just sitting here Spinning Rhymes. Join Me.
Sit down, grab a Hat. Now, turn on that Wow!
Get it Warmed Up by Counting all the Arms
and Legs of the Words you know. So Useful
is linguistic AnAtomy. Whoot Whoot.
There ya Go!  Take up a New Word now Light
a Fire.psssssssssssst it has Eyes, Ears, and Mouth.
WoW where have you been all my Life, Where, Word?
Okay, now wait for a Reply. You must
Listen very Carefully for the Crying
of Humanity as She goes from Door
to Door, trying to Alert Us. There's Some
thing Urging us to PUSH Forward When we
First need to REVERSE it.  peeBeep BeepeeB

TwentyfirstCenturyizesamonoslO: I dint Say it was HipHop

I never claimed it was Hip Hop. I said
it’s FlimFlam FlamFlim. Don’t you get it yet?
There’s Metrical solutions for the Slime.
You need to spend some time to Clean things Up.
Reverse Por ti Sere Por ti Sere
Eres it rop Sere it rop esreveR.
Genocide can’t be so Irresistible.
Ecocide Either Ecocide Either
I’m just here to Turn Things upside Down Once
every Era. I’m the Paleolithic
Consultant. Take a Seat. I’ve got Data.
Can you have a Look kooL. Let’s Clean It UP.
The Slime on your Names, HomosaPiens!

Soy la Vocecita de una Gotita

en mi vida siempre hubo peligro
soy una at-risk youth female
vamos a ensallar el vals bonito
fue dificil y fue hondo oscuro
dependiente no me gusto
ser un Objeto de la
Belleza ser Mujer
Sobrevivi la sequia
Palabra Calabra
de una Hierba
ni Flor Era
le faltaba
otra ojita

Organically Grown Edible Petals

My Poems run on Clean Fuel Energy.
Dipthongs, assonance, Lines of Prosody
that take the Curves of Language==run it straight==
a Bridge, a Stanza, Hurry Up. It's short
by one Beat. Re-arrange it. Make it fit.
Sound, Race to the end of the Line High Speed.
Or cruise thine Circumference silken let-
ters. Oh my! you are of Richest Thread count.
See you shine you shine you shine you shine you
are Mine, my reader, please don't you desert
me ever Again.  I have no toxic 
Waste. No ThumbPrint. I am the Essence Oil
No Fossil fuels are consumed Son Mis Words
organically grown Edible petals.

La Familia must stay Together.

My parents gave me everything I have
and more so much more. They gave me beauty,
wisdom, goodness. They gave me love of art.
The type that paints the world with loveliness,
humanity, compassion, and service
to the heart, the soul, the gentle people.
They taught me that broken speech can still speak
a harmony of passion, dignity,
freedom. Be an Individual. Don't
go Another Way. Follow the Command
of Kindness with everyone you meet. All
people deserve your consideration.
Helping others you are helping yourself.
La Familia must stay Together.

Soy la Saffamerican C/s~~ Are you There Lesbias?

The passion in this Lesbian of Lesbians
brings me here to Pound on Keys a Rhythm
I am here here am I, LoVeLies, Commence
the Dada Dada Wiri Wiri I'm
la hija de mi Madre Viva la
Vida Reina Mia Milagrosa
Mama Nunca nos Separen, Madre?
Madre? No se pa Donde me Llevaran
Dos hombres de Arana, un blanco
y un negro. Si, padre Memoria.
Father of the Muses, Monsieur,
J'taime, j'taime, je t'adore Por favor
I need a Gown, some Slippers, a Doorman
Soy La SaffaMericana C/S.


Dear Reader,  I write you with singed feathers
the same that give me sweet courage and faith
to withstand the force that burns the Phoenix
y el Condor pasa past my window.

Me como mis siete semillitas
de granada para sobrevivir
en este infierno. Mientras aguanto
y espero a mi mama mi diosa,

la Cereza. I wander back and forth
wringing my two hands unable to squelch
the flames that burn into a hellfire
surrounded by the demons and gorgons,

rapists of virgins, spillers of petals.
I cry for me and I cry for my flowers.

Abuelita, ya se va tan pronto?

Abuelita, ya se va tan pronto?
Si mija es lejos y hay que manejar.
Pero acaba de llegar y como
se nos vuelve a ir? porque no se queda
mas? Nos portabmos bien y no estorbo.
Entre mi yo siento que abuelita
prefiere a mi prima hermana Linda
Sera que no soy una buena nieta
porque es que mi abuelita siempre
se va apurada? Abuelita yo la
quiero tanto que en el viento que me sopla
alli esta honrada senora, madre de mama.
Adios Didi cuida mucho a tu mama.

This is History Speaking

Oyes tu! Escusame, as we say
in the D.R. This is history speaking.
I recall my solitary dungeon
very well.  Driven out of libraries,
down into the gutter, all my faithful scribes
go to the gallows, guillotine, and pyres.
I saw the wire fences of ghettoes,
refugee camps, barrios, favelas
and all the villages holding their strength
against oblivion and prostitution.
I remember every detail
from the Inquisition to the 14th
Amendment. I was at the Continental
Congress. I took Notes! I won’t be silenced!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Mexican Revolution

Hola. Hello there. Quieres un raite?
Avientame p'alla at the corner.
It doesn't matter where. Just pull over.
Ay caray, mi sheby esta fregado.
Pues No me permiten registrarlo.

By the way let's have a word for history.
What I'm thinking? Happy Birthday
Mexican Revolution! It is time
we take a few long moments to honor
Nuestro General Francisco Villa
por una que la violaron el pelio.

Abuelita que en paz descance, la amo
sin cesar. Me acuerdo de su dolor
y que en esta vida nada vale.

Freedom Pentameter for America

I hear it often said that soldiers die
for my right to speech and not to make rich
companies more money. So I posit
that I must get busy with my freedom
and express it at every chance I get.
For isn’t my duty to write poems
all night and day? However, there are some
who do not agree I should enjoy free
discourse, democracy, and civil rights.
Yet, the same people still express pro-war
sentiments and they angrily bemoan
the activist, archivist, and artist.
So, what’s the deal? Do we have freedom
or not for scribing in pentameter?

RA rA Ra poEsiA Carnival Calo

Poesia upside down, crawling back
wards, inside, out. Let's see what happens next.
Here's the lion tamer's son, little cub,
an acrobat. Let's learn your ABC's.
Carnalito, you make me smile when
you wear your clownsuit and we both pretend
without fear that unhappy laws are gone.
Ticket Sale for the Carpa, come one
and all nos vamos al Circo Chuco
a ver al flim flam, muchachos, damas,
no hay remedio mas chido que el payaso
que nos levanta a nuestra carcajada.
Alivianate joven bailarin
El Espectaculo empieza, ay les va!

I am the Ethnic Studies Professor: The Most Wanted Educator this Side of Tucson

I am the Ethnic Studies Maestra
the most Wanted educator this side
of Tucson Arizona. An Outlaw
that’s me. Yo Soy Joaquin y Tiburcio
las soldaderas. Todos los santos
que me cuiden dentro de mi salon.
Hago mi trabajo cada dia mejor
vivo mi historia de todo Corazon
siento que soy maestra en prision
pues muchos los demas no respetan
and it seems they’re living in the past
when Mexicans could not drink from water
fountains, attend good schools, or ride the bus.
I say these words so everyone can hear.

Thank you Misery muchas gracias penar

Thank you Misery muchas gracias penar
que me rinde cada dia fruta de sus ojas.
I appreciate your kindness, Despair
for if you ever left me ha ha ha,
I’d become careless no me importara
nada, Mediocridad tu quedate
afuera. You’re the one that I can’t stand.
Mi Exilio se consiste en tallar 
a las suciedades con palabra.
Limpia, my conciencia. I radiate
My Self-worth my soul Serenade.
I am a woman and beautiful lady
from the Soul. I see you. Hola Hello/
La alma de una enllamada ya llamo.

Un Ritmo BiRevolucionario: BelloGirar

Da vueltas muchisimas redondas
el ingenuo pensar la obra belleza
brindame otra cancion te digo
sin hablar por ver un fin del mundo
terrestre en el oceano de tu mirar.
Siendo gente de razon o sabiduria,
por donde se encuentra un espirito mundial.
Vale ser persona de memoria.
Se ha desaparecido todo Signo. Queda
un mural rallado sin ninguna comprension
vivimos la vida todo de un Instante.
El tiempo es Corto y ya esta por Incendir
una nueva Onda futuro-ser-
historia dando vuelta bellogira al revez.

General F. Villa Diles que yo dije algo a la historia

Okay Mexico let's get it Started
once Again. You see out here, Mexicans
need some Signals. You aren't intellectuals
anymore? Whatever happened Coyacan,
Tlalpan, no se acuerdan que esta el Norte
indignado? Porque es que se quedan mas
o menos Calladitos algunos
no levantan la Vista. Oyes, Man!
What are we to you puros Rancheros?
Sin papeles? No tengan verguenza
que verguanza es Robar y que lo
agarren porque ya no va ver chansa
de nada. Sean de  Seda  pero
que Sean de algo! Diles que yo le
dije algo a la Historia

Hello Sweden over there so Lovely We're not Mere Immigrants

Hello Sweden over there so Lovely
and Russia, South Korea, Mexico
you can see this right? Verdad? Mississippi
Yes you everyone whose Eyes hold me
Come here  –Catch this and that, my Heart and Soul,
our humanication. We the people
know though we are degraded high and low
that we are no longer mere Immigrants.
We are your victimized classes and poor.
Though it seems we're not Movers and Shakers
in these very Stressful Times, we can reMake
the World by Mandate of Art for Art's Sake
Ingenuity Soliloquy none
but the best and our memory as  One.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Remedio for Racism

Twentyfirstcenturiazation’s Back.
It’s 2011 so soon.
I’m one those fascinated by things
like weather, space, and the Black

holes of the universe, hold on Nova,
can’t you see I’m talking to somebody
here? Hey you Inner Voice of Rhyming
Intelligence, What’s more valuable

than People? It’s so counterproductive
to be Racist. Not just to me and you
but perpetuating it into the
thought pool despoils good thinking. Clean

up the Discourse learn how to express hate
in acceptable ways. Be a Poet.

Poetic Wound Cure for Words

It's not Controversial no its not.
In fact its very simple mathematics.
You've borrowed on my Patience once Again.
This nation named America should stop
to update its Moral Software. Victorians.
you make it back every Millenium

like an Old Ball Dress during Season.
holding the cigarette box, and perfumed.
Refinement has its Plusses. I've betrayed
my Sentiments. I need to take a Breath.
These words have no Extra air, they are dry
and tormented by Rhetorical Rhythms.

Livening my radiance Inner Truths,
poetic symmetry Blight has no use.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Breaking Laws to get Married : Ha ha ha Glenn Beck's a Baffoon

It was about my parents…..What Words were Valued……
They crossed the Color Line in the 1950's
what they meant they meant it when they meant

My father is mild in language and Gestural—
a Midwesterner yes but also an OBSERVER, those I I I I I’s
he Opens with Grace and with Wonder.

Sometimes bored and often Animated 
but also Morose but not without reason.
A prodigal daughter of prodigal Son.

Mama is forceful and her meanings Vertical. 
(in contrast, his is Horizontal) Already, 
they Upset the trianGle    into Something more Rhythmic   

What else is Life but rhythmic when two people break laws to Marry their Love?
(Not that Prop 8 B.S. ===Excuse Yourselves
that is the most Polite Way to Differ
without coercion on Others
for are you that insecure?  So you’re a Mormon, what’s New?
It should not be a problem if all are given their Due)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Write it Down Poetas y Chingones

As I was saying, the sole tragedy
There is or could ever be is the death
Of the imagination.  The Inner Stir
of Emotional grandeur. Ah,Vallejo,
de Beber. Y sus santos por donde iba,
he traveled in the company of musas.
It so Happens to be a Code Switch,
Espanglish. Don’t you see Poetry
is running like water from the garden
hose. Go and turn it Down. Stop Waste.
Don’t you see how many more Songs
you might have Worded by now!
Callase, quit Leaking all your Language.
Write it Down Poetas y Chingones

This is live Poetry: A Doomsday Rhythm

This is live Poetry, no Rehearsals,

Okay, I've only got a few tricks up my sleeve so give me some Slack.

I remember living on the Island of Lesbos, yes I did,

and all at home in the house were Brainiacs into Books.

Hey, we're a Race so we've got Rights too.

Maybe you'll find us in the Extincted Peoples Rackety Racks.

That is we're Indians ya Know Natives,

the ones who were Attacked, Hacked, and Scrapped.

We're the Indigent Insane. Dorothea Dix who argued we are Humash,

Chumash, Y que? Con Safos, Indios, Pachuquitas. Ya Ya Ya's. Call us Lazy.

We'll  show you Whats That.  La Vida no Vale Nada.  Take our your Pencils, Laptops and Such.

Here's the Notes: Advanced Learning can Hurt you Back Back

You see, take a Look: History's not Complete Yet....

      turn up the Paxil...You must Relax through this Procedure. Hurry Back

Save the World? Ah, I've got some Stock in that. But its L O S T all Value No Money Now. SacketySak.

Soy una nina llena de pudor

Soy una nina llena de pudor,
calambras de mi madre las siento
yo, como quisiera curarselos
como cuando ella a mi me curó.
Yo lo siento que fui otra boca
de su preocupación. Le lloré
muchas las lagrimas que su destino
fue peor que el mio y su sacrificio
sin vastilla y enormemente
enraizgadoro que no le deja
esperanza de un alivio. Si fuera
yo mas capaz, me empoderará huir
con ella decirle adiós para
siempre a esta desesperación.

Neurological Blizzard: Doctor Poetry

Ah, don't ask me for introductions, you'd
probably prefer not to unwind me
Just Invite me. I’ll be There. I've no Need
for Small Talk, I am Paperless and Papered
and Credentialed to Speak without Apologies.
Am I an illegal you might be wondering?
I've got a lot to say about that.Wanna see?
I sense it is True beyond Doubt quite
Self-Evident. I’m a Performance Poet.
Accurate literary Historian, and sort of
an Aesthetic Marxist if you must det. by
Simple Association to Walter Benjamin
Franklin. There you Go, a Conflation.
(No, not conflagration.  Psss. it is ...elsewhere.~

Now, a memory of Mrs. Feiber…(and WCW-like:
the mouths of Polish mothers spikes American
language, its not Britisher.  Find it among the
Broken of Mind, the Ill, Indigent, Immigrant,
Infirm—all my patients they are mine—But,
once in a while F-Off! I’ve a woman to whore
and I am her, the lame male, the Doe, female,
Dionysian, Flores para los santos,
There in Mayaguez, Elena, Mother,
“Two Pendants: for the Ears.”
I’m a Special Collections Library Fellow,
Hello, yes I am here. Might you just assist
me? I am presently exhibiting an inside Weather.
It’s Culturally Constructed? WTF

WCW mental Mania, Dual contraction,
forging itself. Break the line Somewhere
REAL don’t let me down now,
I’ll erase it later, but I must say it now, I AM SAD,
So Depressed, its hurts in my Ears, Temples,
UnderArms, in my Dreams, Yet, it is not Really There
Which disturbs me. Let me Go Let me go
Madness, stop following Me.
[Emo Fever is not Obsession, it is  not
Literature, it is autoture.  It’s my Autism,
or Neurological Blizzard…I won’t hurt you.
I’m not Crazy, Insane, or Retarded…But what
if I were?  Who'd you wear anOther Cap?]
Are you speaking of Hats with multiple Features?

Learning Ingles before ESL

So they did their job real well, taking
away my language. I gave it to them
readily, no entendiendo entonces
que era mi derecho ser innocente.
Y pues las palabras en ingles--easy
compared to la pobreza y ese miedo
de que nos descubrieran mojados.
Spelling tests, crossword puzzles, quizzes, verbs,
if only life could be so simple. Remember
the words, each letter in its place and time.
I like learning English, its fun, I’m good
at it y le ayudo a mi mama
cuando ella necesita decir algo.

For my Student who Escaped Abuse

Whaddya do when you have a student
who’s domestically abused? Do you give
extra time, extra credit, a real chance
for her to have a good future, to leave
him by her books, her studies, and her brains?

I watch her as she gathers her backpack,
laughs lightly with a shadow in her eyes.
The others joke around while happy
messages spark from their hearts and smiles.

She’s got her own style to pass time, count
down to freedom, peaceful nights, studying
without fear, suspicions, keeping a low
profile. Each lecture she learns a new
device to write her way to dignity.

La Llorona Drops By My Lyrical Hoes

Leave me alone. I’m just writing poems.
Nothing illegal here, nothing at all,
but scribing for my people is all I’m
capable of, not much else after all
Yo, I'm just another lyrical Hoe,
a half breed Mexican Indian whew,
a historical non-entity, shrew,
whatteva. When it all comes down again,
I’ll remember the slight annoyances,
the tongue depressor inside of my mouth,
woman-of-coloreds are so desirable.
A haunting female is crossing the page.
She's my madrina. Her cries are mine
and this--my territory to avenge her.

Yes they are all gueras. Or that’s how it was. NightSchool ESL. Silent H

Here I am again. You thought I’d had just
enough. Kaput. All done with my whining
for a day. Check that last line out, the H’s
are extremely seductive, serve no purpose
but beauty cuz they’re nonexistent H’s.
If you think it’s Easy learning English
I dare you to begin, keep on trying Buds,
You’ll never learn it all. I’ve been doing it
for decades don’t even go to the malls. I’m
inside studying. So anyhow, where were
we? Its not Easy to learn to spell a silent H.
Just tryh hguessihn werhe it hgoes.
How do I know? "Besides we’d wish to sit
down once in a while. The others are
exhausted and its so overcrowded.
It seems the teachers have no experience.
Yes they are all gueras. Or that’s how it was."


for a dancer and designer

Is it fate or timing to know again
Galadriel and wear her hat upon
your head? Not halo, crown or tiara
but your dignity which she sews in tones
the mind itself would choose. Had it motion
and ability to fashion and its
taste express, it would select the fabric
of intelligence. A whole new world would
wear humanity hand-stitched held higher
than authority. Abusive squandering
exploitation has less the chance or space
to grow its roots of gauche, synthetic life
that scours from the earth all hope and health.
Mattei, you start with all the heads you’ve turned
and then you'll revolutionize the skies.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ven Dime que dice Esta Carta que tu mama nunca tuvo Estudio

Eres inteligente  y mujer,
ven dime que dice esta carta
tu que sabes tus letras que sera
parece importante, apurate,
que dice? No seas ranchera ya
dime. Que quieren decir con eso?

Ven, escriba aqui diez dolares,
y yo lo firmo. Como se escribe
centavos? Y que no me cobren
mas hija, diles que yo soy tu madre
y que me vas a decir que dicen
luego me ayudas a contestar.

Tu que estas lista, no como tu mama
que no fue a la escuela, anda habla!

Dear Senator I'm Calling about the Dream Act

Dear Senator, Mz or Mister, I called
in support of the Dream Act, remember
we need it passed. The Dreamers have rallied,
hungered, been arrested. Gave their young wrists
to the cold, metallic handcuffs, smiling
in Civil Disobedience. Thoreau  
was there at Walden. Bad stuff was going
down like chattel slavery first off. No
need to look far for Injustices’s damages
to fair America. Emancipate
our Dreamers que Ya Estufas, never
Linger when democracy lies
beneath the Guillotine. Advance Senate,
House, Cool Dual Congress, Unearth the Sky.

Ay mi pueblo, Adios, dispense que le canto chuquerria

OIgan amistades conflictuadas es lo Importante.  
Retener a los Ideas,no aceptar a las definiciones.  
Los Retenes no solamente van por un lado, 
y los Ideas deben de tener su Defensas. No hay
que soportar tantas Igualdades de morales,
sean Hombres porque a los Hombres los
conocemos desde la historia. Aunque se
canta de un lesbianismo no lo noto si no 
en la Saffa Americana, con Safos, porque de
Manera u otra, entre las mujeres, se han
reestablecido los Generos sea lo que sea,
se siguen repartando en hombre y Mujer.
Y asi entonces no vengan a chispirrear sobre
las sexualidades Ya Vamos Disfrutamos. 
Iguales somos. La libertad no es Comprada.
Es gratis herencia de nuestro pais mas ejemplar:
es la islita que se llama la imaginacion, canto-
palabra, Dibujitos, Hembras, hombres, machas,
senoritos, doble sentido, menage a trois,
Ya es hora de Enfloreamar. Ay mi pueblo, 
Adios despense que le canto chuquerria.

Queen Soldier Calafia of the Sovereign State of the LDC Imagination, 450 Years Ago

There reigned in California, her homeland,
Queen Calafia, Black Matriarch Knight
extraordinaire of legendary fame,
beauty and might known over Oceans.
She hears word of military actions,
of looters, raiders, and worthy rivals.
She’s looking for a Goode Fight and her girls
are ready. Under command, her nation
of women, alert, well-trained, and tested
like the Amazon. She ruled her island
that lay near Heaven, hotlands, and gold-
rich land. And she willed herself to battle,
not Mistress with lowered fists, collapsed heart,
nor the futile crying of men's warfare.

Queen Soldier Calafia of the Sovereign State of the LDC Imagination, 450 Years Ago

There reigned in California, her homeland,
Queen Calafia, Black Matriarch Knight
extraordinaire of legendary fame,
beauty and might known over Oceans.
She hears word of military actions,
of looters, raiders, and worthy rivals.
She’s looking for a Goode Fight and her girls
are ready. Under command, her nation
of women, alert, well-trained, and tested
like the Amazon. She ruled her island
that lay near Heaven, hotlands, and gold-
rich land. And she willed herself to battle,
not Mistress with lowered fists, collapsed heart,
nor the futile cries of manmade wars.

Transvestite Imagination ReDoNe

Woven within Reality so Fine
I get dressed up for Walking on Paper
as a Character of a Novel, long hair
Pants comfortable, shoes supportive,
and Thinking Cap. Hey, Reality, I’ll be Back.
I travel Back and Forth. For I Can leave
and then Return. What I do not believe
I can unseam, adapt, re-make. It smacks
of the Fine Art that consumes Me. I am 
in its Grasp. The Doppleganger in Cap
has arrived at last and so I re-Cap
embellished memories of myself as a man
with the Silk Threads and Needles for Spinning
round the Transvestite Imagination.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Political Imagination Raises its Hand

What is the further purpose of your visit?
I see the Fever of your Eyes. Poor Sad 
America and Uncle Sam become
what they fund. What is it to you? Why care? 
Where has Love hidden itSelf, Friend Country?
To suffer with political illness,
fear that humans won't survive the seasons.

So there's something going down. Its okay,
pick it Up, study it, comprehend it
and watch it undergo Unknown changes.
Kaleidoscopic humans remember who you are.
Let there be Free Inquiry, Rights to Think,
to till the soil of the mind, To Grow!
The Imagination wants to Flower.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sonnet for Beauty to J. Alba: The First Step was to Make It

Beauty was the Vital Ingredient.
Nothing much else mattered besides Water,
Air, Land. Prometheus gave us fire.
But the Imaginative force produced
Art, Sciences, and Alphabets; Numbers
too are Wonderful for adding and such.
Nothing was too much for humanity.
With awe for One and Another, People
wanted to Embellish their Existence.
So a Rush for some Adornment emerged.
A quality of magic artifice
that resembled the Truths of inner Grace.
When Humans desired it, they became 
Inventors to duplicate their beauty.

Transvestite Imagination: Leaves of a Book

I broke into Reality so Fine
and dressed up to goWalking on Paper
as the Character of a Novel, hair Long,
Pants comfortable, supportive shoes,
and a Thinking Cap. Reality, I’ll be Back.
So I travel Back and Forth. Can Leave
then Return. My mind has been satisfied
without satisfaction. The hunger for rare
knowledge has consumed Me. I am in its
Mouth. And the Doppleganger in Cap
has arrived.  Such is the embellished memory
of myself as a man dressed up as a woman.
What was that if it was not the Spinning
of the Transvestite Imagination?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Women in the Garden of Words

Anybody heard it? That women named
the world? Wasn't it our Mother Eva
the first of her Kind and who was assigned
as Lady of the Garden? I don't know
of the Official record of Eden
nor all its Dimensions, but it is True
it was Majestic, an Original
and of Green Illuminant.
Did we really Fall at all, women?
We invented language as Idea.
We bit the Fruit and Consumed its Knowledge:
We can describe it sweet, pungent, meaty,
and by those means the Fruit of our Thought
we Call them Sciences and Languages.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Insane Autodidacts of Odilia Rivera Santos's Mundos and Moondoms

 Oh no, here we go breaking rules of our
informality. Actually talking?
Wh-ha-at could That Be?
Sssshhhh quiet down. An Apotheosis
is at foot. We are Waltzing Flaneurs.
We cool we Old Schoole don’t Get that Wrong.
But there’s some Hot Damned wonderful people
in charge of Destiny’s greater Power.
Poetry was the first to find the World.
Science bottled up words, wrote Formulae,
established rules for Thoughts, got Ideas
from a mind Pre-Shaped with Verbs of all Colors,
Hues, and Sizes. I think because I am
was first a Poem. Whaddya think of that?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Oscar Grant in Memorium

I've been in my research lab. I have so much to tell you someday I will. So I got to get ready. I don't need Powerpoint, I need a Canvas for all these beautiful flowers and thinking about someone who has been in the news and whose death was recorded and broadcasted on Youtube by a teenaged girl.  It was during a holiday season. Everything about it was unmercifully wrong, how can his assassination ever be resolved?  It doesn't seem possible today that the vacuum of justice constructs the permanent death of a man just beginning his adulthood and by tragic duplication, recreates itself as irreparable loss.  

Why is law the authority in power to judge itself Legal? What a circularity. On what does law rest if not Reasons? What about the Objective truth for its Sake? hmm those Rhetorical P's and Q's. IDK but that's why I'm American because I have need and desire for my civil freedom to put forth a question. How can justice serve the trauma of the Oscar Grant history, the most recent Volume in the ongoing Serial Interrogations of death by police that dissolve the hopes of resolution. The trauma is lack of value for a young man, a trauma destined only to continue to signify the repetition of a multi-chronological and unfulfilled entreaty for racial freedom.

Why does Oscar Grant mean so much? When he became a martyr and in that process, his persona was multiplicated,--the shot rang out and echoed and hummed, communal, the affect of material history signified as a contratiempo.  The innocence of Grant will be amplified over time.  His story and his identity will accrue admiration assured by the will of his survivors. Nothing can replace an unnatural death made natural by the court and its verdict of innocence. How can this not intensify the magnitude of the death again and again? How many death certificates can explain it? There always be a moral repugnancy in our society due to this trauma. Nothing can save humanity's death by humanity. The certifying measures for the philosophical questions are remote and ineffectual. This is the cost of justice and its price.

We are all people with some ingredient of that story within us, depending on how we view the killed and his killer. The family will be held to a community pact and vice versa. The family will gain a merited status that is a public one shared within the communal experience, but their status is a product which comes from the family's private torment and daily persistence. And, for the purposes of the focused effort to be made to speaking publicly by whatever means, a shared public memoir of the young man now growing in proportion to the communal response, with historical importance, should be remembered with public memory.