Behold these Truths are Self-Evident
(Poetically speaking) "It's not Easy to Speak"
with a Half-Wit in Drag of Detritus.
"I will wear my Robe to Introduce Me:
the Philosopher without but a Stitch
(of Hair, that is) The rest is some Rubbish,
an Article so profound in some Giberrish
more Sonnet than Deus. But of Evil
mental Torture of Language, and Sadly
for You, my Oppressor, it's My Country
you've Entered. Your Originality,
Null? An Entire Career made of Ash
in a Crematorium of Freedom
and RedWhiteBlue People. Guess what? I'm here
to Start the Castration OedithPen!
Drive on like a Horse of Freedom and Verse!
Ya Estufas! Qu'est que c'est? Your time is Up.
Your Diapers Dirtied in Evidential
Unchaste, Uncivil, Hate, Rage, INCEST
on Humanities drugged bruised Beloved
as of Toni Morrison's Secret shot
Straight to the Vein: Soy Musa Boricua
(I wish it at Times to be there Within
Odilia, my Lesbian Laurels so Fine:
Salma Hayek is the Mexican One
of a Sauce part Rhythm part Call me Up
but Stay far Away in Harlem, my Love.
And by this Romance of Ours, on your Lap
I will Set. You will Feel me There I'm sure.
To Odilia, the Aude of an Ode: "Don't
you Wish you had me but you Can't even
stand in my Subway or any Bridge of
New York. (Yes, I got the Memo: no Gangsta
in here only Proper Grammar and Phrase
of Fine Polish) Her Toe Nails Painted
in a Hughes Digitales (whaddup tu?
Langston Hughes?) Dem Profs at Universipap
are Reinventing the Rack? It is called
"EVIDENCE INQUIRY." (by a Hack Anthropologist
and as such of Great Renown, the Knife
from Behind) In other Words, of a Club
of Insufficient and Improper Beings
(you can't call them Men, or Women). Request
for that was Denied by a Poet Dead
and Come Alive by a Sonnet: Ya Estufas!
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.
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