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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Anthropollywog Zeitgeist Returns

Myth had long held that beyond in the foothills,

a race of amphibious half human lords

mired the landscape with villainous ogres

seeking a final solution for honor

sought with particular vengeance the hour

for orgies of wanton esophagus sores

ensconced with mental trichomoniasis

orifices replete with abscesses spewing

and far and wide beyond its dominion

produced the spewage of thousand fold pusses.

As many colonies are known to expand

no suture nor buttress was able to hold

what was soon flowing with as many larvae

that pustulant populace soughts its own source

for water that would replenish the thirsty

was soon made the property of a horned toad.

The toad was only so named by its wishes

for toads in reality are our betters,

this species was merely an entity horde.

It robbed what it could from humanity’s source,

of love, integrity, hope, honor, and trust.

What it couldn’t fathom as lust of its loins

it found too obtrusive with sincerity.

Anthropollywog ventured to find its peers

among them was noticed a peculiar gaze

and iconic practice of sucking on ears

watch, wait, and listen, spoke the cruel oppressor:

“Do you hear the children laughing and playing?

While I must tolerate their nuisance. No more!”

Part A.  In Pursuit of Like Minded Allies

Having long since heard the call for avarice
and which never rests until its satisfied

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.



No time for editing only for flow.
So at times you will see errors in tow.
That's okay take it and make it your own.
My verses are free; they belong to none.

If you can make it better, all power
to you, take it without a copywright.
Does a leaf charge a tax to the lonely?
Does an ocean say, "no, it's mine only?"

This chaos doesn't belong inside me.
I need you to take it give me relief.
A verse is a gift that is unwanted.
It applies all the pressure of a tourniqet,

to stop the bleeding of humanity,
and give it a just opportunity. 

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

One Eyelash Pomona City Council: Epiloque

Epilogue:  Pomona I

Come now, good people, and gather around

hear the sad story when beauty was bound

when terrible creatures crawled out of holes

those that were formed in the nose’s oils

Crowning corruption, no limit evil,

the devil and his minions danced a waltz

Robledo, Escobar, Martin and Lantz,

they answered the calls of the diablo

“I pay dollars for beauty contestants,”

Batting their eyelash, for each had just 1,

while sharing was difficult it was broad

Passing between them, the 1 eyelash oozed,

Money for nothing, the tricks are for free.

Oh pick me pick me oh please please pick me!

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Monday, January 27, 2014

When Pomona Was Brought B4 Council

 There were beauty queens on the podium

all men in the front row were observant

 from the back of the chambers I hear sound

that like the inside of an engineroom

expands into separate partitions

The room is thick with pretension and gaze

everything is louder in the silence

the rhythm of the breathing syncopates

I can smell what I hear as it enters

but as it is a scentless scents, no fumes,

yet it contains a mystery made nude

the knowing of itself takes possession

As I am escorted to the exit:
"What happens to the water and the wells?"

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

The City Council Denials

If this is what the Council is and does,

rapturous homicide, lust for its own sake

but toward ineptitude gives license

or frequents with pedaphilic pastors

diverts a gaze for false goodness of face

even smiles and while love is cast off

takes a deep and desirous breath of fresh

air as the fated hour approaches

when justice which will not be forthcoming

will be overtaken by depth's aptitudes

a mountain grow engorge a terminus

while the presence of peace is uncertain

again and again what is effaced falls

to gather in footprints of denials.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.