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Monday, May 2, 2011

An Elf of Beauty's Best Defiance

 I knew when I was just a Thought a poem
Might come of me, a Fragrant hint of Glee,
A Magic Smile of Radiant Hues
Inspires me to spin the Wheels Green
of language and its ending sounds, a Glove
that sheds from its own skin, A Hand to Write
even when it’s Clunky or lacks A lot,
it’s still a Poem, a Vintage Form of Love
that drives the Car of Verse’s Elegance,
truth, detail, filigree and function.
And like a medieval Synechdoche
For a Female Knight of Chivalry
Best represented by her Script, I signed.
Here Scribed an Elf of Beauty’s Great Defiance.
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

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