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Monday, December 8, 2014


AP, Austria, Argentina, the UN and other similarly situated are in the position of commenting on an international condemnation of their President by Mexicans. It is evident that the base of Mexico's First Nations leadership is opposed to the President's claim to the national iconography. Even under the worst regimes, it seems, Mexicans still had consensus on the Management of their Administration whether mired in corruption or not. The corruption was not in itself Dysfunctional. After all the peso is not valued at the rate it should be and the justice system requires operating costs. Even in this manner, the criminal syndicates had a role for who would or ever did vote for Mexico's sovereign principles?

 Not even Arab nations? The Mexican diaspora is consolidated through the Mexican legacy heritage that is internationally regarded within the world as Definitive and Classical. Only in the US is the Disparagement of Mexicans a Key Feature of the USA's self-identity. The contrast is not a happy or welcome one. Mexicans and American are one. Yet neither party likes this,the most liberal and progressive sectors of each nation remain at arm's length by willful refusal to be more closely associated. The contact between them which is contradictory since they are forced together by a definition one values and the other sets aside in parenthesis.

In other words, the USA is very happy to have annexed Mexico's vast territory but the border is meaningless in every way possible except in the clear establishment of violence as a catch-all protocol of an unmanageable false façade. Trade has never slowed and that includes the harvest of Mexico's productivity. But only the drug commodity is acknowledged by Media. Media itself is the greatest commodity of Mexico. Not even Land is as uniquely valuable in the globe. While we still believe hunger is the greatest concern of governments and like organizations, what about the Human Harvest? Of what does it consist if not People?

Mexicans for sale at wholesale cost to Mexicans. While this is extreme, it is what most concerns Mexico's dignity across the sphere of Mexican preoccupation is the Mexican self.

Therefore in light of these above suggestions, we return to the figure and institution of the Mexican presidency and its pedestal currently occupied by a former governor tutored in the very institutions most tailored to both the History and the Present Moment, to satisfy the class requirements of luxurious establishment in Mexico of a Lord Caste. The former soap opera actress and first lady has offended political propriety and while her husband has formidable political clout in the capital, his party has been outdated not necessarily by the active political process of legislating and representing their people, but out of irrelevance or even indecipherability. Oddly, his youthful appearance has not  been taken as a good sign by the young. And the young have a history of their own of political credibility earned at the shedding of blood and now targeted disappearance of their members exacerbated by official indifference to the precariousness of their lives and of life as a concept they wish to embody as such.

The breakdown of the partisan structure-- ironically contrasting with the DNA search for the disappeared students, occurring simultaneously, the traditional sources of information have been altered. ART-- Mexic's forte institution among others in itself is one of if not THE MOST outstanding cultural epochs of human history ongoing today, is at the forefront of defining representations of their nation which is not really nor ever has been a nation but more a Philosophical Certainty, and along these lines by quick appraisal it is abundantly clear that the entire World Resents Mexico for its Splendors. That to stand by and watch Mexico writhe is ALL OK with the History of Consciousness!

If I have made any errors, I take responsibility for them. I am not a historian nor familiar with precise
facts. I make these observations from a distance.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Monday, October 6, 2014


There it was -- ready to go -- a free verse

It was rehearsed many time by the youths

There were portions they knew in advance, yes,

There were others not one knew for certain.

Yet they appeared with everything ready

Or if not, they would fathom their freedom

For that had no parallel on the earth

The pendulum would swerve -- thats right it would

By the likelihood of failure lures it

Rapid as fire withholding violence

Which is no easy thing to do for some.

They would perfect until something got done.

Even if it meant sheer self-destruction
as paper turned to dust in the dustbin.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

DR @ DR: Williams and Einstein

  1. DR 2 DR. Williams and Einstein

    In order for evil to travel must
    call itself the reason for babel
    take a sacred text and desanctify
    --It isn't that EZ to do injustice.
    "Everybody who wants to sleep in bed"
    As said Doctor Poet Williams William
    He really could prove it, Einsten Moment.
    When he drove his car: 1 Nine Twenty Three
    But long before that Spring was a Winter.
    1922 got to remember
    He saw the Science of Murder by States.
    He could detect it in language and Verse
    He could also imitate its silence!
    He heard the heartbeat of the Flowers Pain.
    Imagine that dear dog dead in the Rain.
    Einstein Oh Daffodil: This is our Prime.
    Like ·  · Promote · 
  2. Wherefore Art Though Pilgrim?

    A true union and a true Republic.
    would not Question the migrant caravan.
    Because it would see it was a pilgrim
    America always loses the 2nd
    Generation. Even the Puritans
    They could not inspire their Youth whatev?
    Their youth took up witch trials to get Head
    Had no reverence for the agenda
    Didn't want to be Cain so purges came.
    That is that to be Good you have to hate Love.
    To be even Better you have to Judge
    But when that doesn't work you bring Cages.
    Invent horror on horror to Heaven.
    Invoke Hell on Earth and Hell in Heaven.
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.


TO AFraid to Live To AFraid to Love.

What makes you so different from a Toad?

Let me tell you my People this gets Old.

As it does it sweetens with the Fodder.

Nothing that was was in vain as it Was.

If Heroes don't have it Mercy has Time 

Swashbuckler Drop Outs Plagiarist Even

THey say if it happens it has Meaning.

Meanwhile no Dictionary can Sate

The need for Evil Machination's Sake 

And its Avaricious Averages Them 

To berate a Flower is to cause HARM

It doesn't take much to counteract Death.

All People love Life so Implicitly

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


so many people are in so much pain

wondering how it could happen again

why is it that one of our brings shame

up on top of the hating gravy train

watching young women and then taking aim 

choosing to blame her if there is no rain

thinking not of her tender hopes and dreams

and only of how to be entertained

finds that her beauty and youth are a bane

sees how little she understands the game 

that men can kill women over a whim

strike down the youth of a generation

who will even dare stop what I've proclaimed

death I embody; murder is my name.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

La Paz y La Prosperinidad: Mexico Califas C/S

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love and Youth on the Border, 1,2,3

1. Where Love and Thought are Woven

One day as I woke up in a Thumbdrive
a 16 plus 2 Sonnet (  Line count Foot)
permeated the space of a moment
that lasted forever in my own mind.

I never thought of leaving left not once
I  sustained what I wrought was replenished
Insubtrusive, oh IDK, a verb
that I now call a Noun "why?" just because

I go to the line where I lost my love
I lament it no doubt as I must, though,
I let it go and return to my thoughts
what thought had woven in and driven out

My love is gone and will never return
And like a willow tree back in Beaumont.
which dripped down its vines as a tribute
proportions of beauty tumultuous

2. The Will of the Wall, Otay Bridge

so sad to see the grated wall supine
like a worm that persists in stone cut dry
as it no longer serves any purpose
but to be an inert object to life
though it is an arc it suffers the strain
though it be of metal is still a brain
it is alive with its substances
of its fabric it is conscience as well
it is not what it never was that makes
a difference to its or even to us
we persevere uncaring of ritual
we live as we do for our survival
and none who lives wants to sample of death
but what about the bridge itself? Its shell
that alone makes it worth more than nothing
it’s as if it has a will of its own

3. Tunnel to my Youth, Wilshire Blvd.

The tunnel is an arcade through it pass
the largest networks for transit of goods
teeming with destinations like wild
just to imagine it blurs the message

you once loved to eat certains foods when young
when every new taste was so delicious
you wanted to go to each restaurant
you never found so many reasons

staying at home was boring and squalid
better to live off Wilshire Boulevard
wake up and head straight to the bakery
then take out a pen and write a few words

you'd sit there and stare out the window
whether or not it sounded beautiful
you wouldn't throw out the bit of paper
to save what could have been lost forever

it's as though it had a will of its own

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

El Flaco a Cantar Llora y Llora, Deportacion

--no me mata la vida no me mata la muerte, D. Agustini

Cada dia que deportan pasan
De un lado al otro el fenomeno
Mientras el escamado pide pan
las muchachas empiezan con miedos
la madre le platica, “no hay paz
mientras las mentiras valen igual.”
La noche de la luna porvenir
No alcanza tan hondo o profundo
porque en este mundo hay que sufrirlo
palabra sincera momento azul.
No hay duda ni falta en amar
Ni A lo que nunca nadie jamas
Habia visto en pesadilla

el flaco a cantar llora llora This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Momentous Morning

Now while time is light and sighs with moment

when the down of the leaves is expectant

their silver velvet glistens a filament

flames that were retardant becoming green

harken of the day when spring has arrived

leaving everything behind to surmount

the present with its gifts bound to wonder

opening challices open further

forward on its feet the line endures more

disappears to reappear by its force

then the holy answer held to the ear

as silence roars forever more to spare

the quiet of the morning hour here

straddles day and night tomorrow ever.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cilensed Sound

I watch, I wonder who else watches, too?
I perceive I am someone in despair
as suited to poetic purposes
as boring as tuning an instrument

what is obsessive and manic and whole
alphabet assures with one caveat
a fire lights the human within it
the nose, throat, guttural, tongue without vowel

breath-seeking expanding the diaphram
for as falling forward prepares a turn
toward truthful expression urges
the forest between speaking and hearing

the diffrenses between S and C cound
as touched by it the word of a found

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

A Rose is a Rose Forever Perfume

Peril of rhyme forever perfume is

what has passed makes no difference in it

why it adheres to its music is this

not a reverence for the past gone to bits

but for eternal withdrawal eclipsed

brought to a line to existence within

observed, studied, attached to an instant

though in the earth lies molten its essence

frozen beneath the icicles as mist

seared to stone by a tremendous cinder

and forced to explode for its subsistence

grows from the precipice ancient and course

by becoming itself to unearth its fruit

flourishes against the destructive force

that drives against itself into a rose

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

She Joined the Crowd and she Went home Later, Tijuana Ba Ca No Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Flower of Verse as a Weaponry

If my verses are weapons so be it.

Did I ask them to come here unheeded?

When they knocked on my temples I ignored them.

But as water seeks its level their grandeur

Would not disappear with their afterwards

"Don't bother me now.  I'm preoccupied."

Doubly their insistence would continue.

"We are not done with you yet said the Muses,"

One seemed a bit shier than the others

who though they were kind were also abstruse

while she merely handed me a wheel.

It spun from my hand a flower in bloom

Silken and green as it grew changed its hue

and in the palm of my hand it was woven

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Ode to the Epithet

Few words are more powerful, Epithet,
than you, your attitude antiatic,
(a word Marti coined for his verses,
syncretic but postulates of a timber
its roots, leaves, branches, bough and petal,
combines a reflection in candle light
Phosphorous greening a wick in time
brightens fulminating an existence
a je ne sais quo, what do you call it?
In shorthand a Human spirit sandalled
wearing a weave of deciduous silk
alive in the dust powder crystal sands
impressed on the surface's hallowed veil
as it is lifted betrays history
sings into its profoundly heared beating
the pulse of an incubus cautioned yellow
for fear of forgetting, remembered rail..

 This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Lloro un Rio

Las Malas se arman con sus pretextos

buscan manera de hacernos fosos

el anonimo suspiracion del horror

seca el viento sus lagrimas oh no!

polvo regresa ser polvo y carbon

vale la vida un pedazo del sol

la llama mas verde esclarecio

que cada  vez que muere mi hermano

yo tambien lo acompano testigo

salen por de abajo del milagro

que por ser tan brillante al odio

ressonando acrimonio y furor

el Amor que suficiente amplio

llega a la orilla y lloro un rio

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

I love my Father and Mother, a Verse

I love my mother I love my father 
each gave everything to make me myself 
no andes en la calles estudia
there is no better time than forever 
my love is more ancient than theatre
hay mas tiempo que vida, hijita,
on earth were the angels brought together 
by mercy its restlessness or passion
belief in unbelievability
what is beautiful is also precious
that Bobby Burn’s built a house in the field
with made best plan and dimensioner small
to shatter be it all would offend love
of a master for a smaller creature
This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.