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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Senators who stifle dreams of great love

Senators who stifle dreams of great love

have as much knowledge as they have of good

little they ponder the mysteries of hope

for everything they have is afforded

from power they made into minions

between faith and despair they choose all wrong

why else do they replace peace with war

if not to wring hands irresponsible?

Dusted with diamonds they bargain galore

with what is most treasured by the white doves

the people who govern themselves and more

observing the miseries of their gov

that it cannot foresee the time and hour

when we are all free from their terror.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Straight Back 4 Compton

--More punks I smoke, yo, my rep gets bigger, NWA

Back to Compton without stopping at Go

speeding past a millennium or two

vanishing with all concentric wisdom

peers from vermillion vellum right at You

Whatever the malice, despair or wrong

You will always be Virginal and young

never will your offpsring go without fun

for mirth and love are congruent compounds

Peace, joy, and laughter all of your Life

let no one bring harm with their Mischief

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Honeybee

--daring symmetry (Blake)

The honey of the bee is sweet
and gathered from crevice's deep
what it takes it refills replete
its beauty and its buzzing sweep
the avenues of misery
chaos and harmony appeal
beginning and ending are equal
upon its with wings of ecstasy
it finds it requires nothing
more than its own purpose to be
small what it needs for its plenty

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Parallel Petals of Time and of Sound

--(Chicory and Daises Released, WCW)

Art is a Verb that becomes a Poem

The stem, the petal crown, and the center

become Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,

a Timepiece, of Symmetry, and a Form

Each of its leaves is a journey onward

against its own death beginning in Verse

A birth is its answer, form, and Purpose,

toward Beauty toward consciousness

Mercy, equality, and Equipose

Whereas the Sea is Circled peacefully...

the color, the movement, and the shape

of it seems hardly a flower at all

but the restlessness of making a sound

and a parallel, a mirror profound.

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pomona is a Woman and City

(shaken by your beauty, shaken by your beauty: Paterson, WCW)

Pomona is a Woman and City

   She stands up in a library glass case

the fruit she extends on her palm glistens

while across the avenue a long day

casts no shadow on protected children

though it may burn, squelch, and singe with anger

the boys and the girls no longer wonder

“who will keep us safe from government?”

For she is tall made of marble carved clear

heroic, able, she banishes evil

the hems of her skirt mercy embroidered

no furrow appears in her memory

for peace, beauty, prosperity, and wealth

will bless all the people what they have tilled

This Sonnet is a Fictional Work. Any perceived, apparent, or implied relationship to entities or persons is coincidental.